Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I wonder if this is why America has an obesity problem?

Recently, as I was feeding Clementine one evening (no doubt on a break from our marathon viewing of Lost), I was reminded of the time a few years ago, when we realized our cat was more than slightly chubby. I believe it was a visit to the vet that brought it on. They told Ian, gently, that Clementine was just a smidge overweight. We could probably stand to put her on indoor-formula, diet cat food.

When we got her home, we did some online research (cheers, wikipedia) and calculated the amount of food a cat Clementine's age and weight should need. It turns out that we were feeding her FOUR TIMES as much as we should have been, daily. FOUR. Good lord, no wonder she gained so much weight.

Since then, we've kept her on the diet formula cat food, fed her the correct amount (just a simple division BY FOUR) and try to get her to run around the apartment as much as we can. Unfortunately, the fat sacks have remained. If this is how the rest of America deals with portion sizes, no wonder we have a weight problem.


Chelsea said...

Don't judge Clementine. You should be ashamed for even trying to make her an un-fat cat. Cruel...

BEQN said...

aww, fat sacks.

VGabbard said...

Damn girl! She's just so plumpy!