Monday, April 6, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

I'm off to sun in Portugal and Spain. Good-bye, good-bye!


ajata said...

Hellllooo! When you're awesome-traveling you should be posting about how cool everything is! Where's the reading material for Heather? She's getting all antsy! It has been 4 days since that last pathetic teaser of a post. Portugal? Spain? I know you're busy, but seriously, think of the poor saps that you've left behind once in a while.

Heather said...

Ok ok, I know Jata wouldn't say that or use words like "antsy," "teaser" (well, not in this context at least), and "saps" but my point is still the same. I've had nothing to read during a boring day at work since March 31st!! (This last post doesn't count, it's the shortest successful cliff-hanger I've read in a long time, I'm Dying to know who the Killer is!!)

Ethan agrees.

Chelsea said...

Me too, me too! I have thesis to procrastinate on!