Today is my 26th birthday. Four years ago this September 5th, I started this blog. This is the 300th post, and if you do the math, that's just under two posts a week, each week, for four years. If you'll remember, if you've been around that long, on September 5th, 2008, I was about to leave for a year abroad in France, and I was very young, and scared, and didn't know how to blog.
I think, if you'll excuse an utter lack of humility for a moment, that I've figured it out.
But, if you can't tell, I've been feeling a bit stretched thin recently. Partially, this is due to my job(s). Working from home means never really being finished with a project, never really putting work down and stepping out of the office, to home & friends & personal life. Partially, this is due to being in a state of limbo since February, when my living & social situations shifted dramatically. Partially, still, this is related to my graduate school applications, and the time I've spent either working on them or worrying about them.
I think, though, it's largely related to the affair I've been having with a little number called Tumblr. I'm sorry, Blogger, but she's easier than you & knows more tricks.
I've been juggling two blogs for almost fifteen months now, and using the two drastically different blogging formats for very different things. But, in all honesty, that's getting a bit old, and I'm not sure I need that much space on the internet.
And just like that, I'll be saying good-bye to gauchedroitegauche, and waiting for you all to join me at thisisnotreallife. Truth be told, my life isn't much of a leftrightleft anymore, anyway. Less plodding along, and more wonder & joy & passion & iPhone app filters.
This isn't a good-bye, I suppose, but more of a welcome. I'll be glad to have you here.
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